Early stage and aspiring founders: Achieve Success by Conquering Your Fears

Unlock Your Fearless Entrepreneurial Mindset in Just 28 Days

Are you tired of feeling held back by fear in your entrepreneurial journey? Do you long for the confidence and courage to take action and reach your full potential? Look no further, because our “Fearless Mindset Method”—grounded in over fifty years of research, CIA methodologies, and the insights of renowned experts like Dr. Nick Hall—empowers you to conquer fear and achieve success in just 28 days “


Beginner Friendly

Course length

1 -1 2 months


Webinar + On-Demand


6+ Figure Business

New Self Image: 28-days

Fearless Mindset Method

As entrepreneurs, we all have big dreams and goals, but often times fear stands in our way. It can paralyze us, making us doubt our abilities and prevent us from taking the necessary steps towards success. But imagine what you could accomplish if fear was no longer a factor. That’s where our course comes in.

Fearless Entrepreneurship is within your grasp

Here’s what you’ll gain:

Increased Confidence

To attract more clients and investors.

Enhanced Problem-Solving Skills

Experience smoother operations and increased productivity.

Calculated Risk-Taking

Open doors to growth and success.

Resilience and Adaptability

Navigate the ever-changing business landscape with courage.

Positive Mindset

View challenges as opportunities for growth.

Innovative Thinking

Be open to new ideas and breakthroughs.

Stronger Relationships

Build confident and assertive communication skills.

Balanced Work-Life

Manage stress and prioritize well-being.


Achieve a rewarding life, both personally and professionally.

In just 28 days, our comprehensive program will guide you through both the psychological and practical aspects of overcoming fear in business.

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What our graduates are saying

360° what you'll learn week by week


Identifying & Understanding Your Fears

Explore the root causes of your fears and learn techniques to address them.



Develop strategies to take bold steps towards your goals.


Reframing Negative Thoughts

Transform your mindset by replacing negative thoughts with empowering beliefs.


Building Stronger Relationships

Enhance your networking skills and build a supportive community.

Meet Your Instructors

Your experienced instructors are seasoned entrepreneurs and psychologists dedicated to your success. They combine cutting-edge psychological techniques with practical business strategies to help you overcome your fears.

“Internationally recognized psychoneuroimmunologist who has conducted pioneering research addressing interrelationships between emotions and health. Featured on "60 Minutes," "Nova," "Nightline," and Emmy-Award winning TV series "Healing and the Mind," on PBS.”
Dr. Nick Hall | Author
Expertise in cognitive-behavioral therapy and entrepreneurship
“Providing leadership, innovation, and strategy for the US Government, Big Tech, and Fortune 10 companies spanning a decade. Featured top 100 in Entrepreneurial Innovation. ”
Dr. Izzy Kiver | Founder
Serial entrepreneur with a passion for mentorship and empowerment.

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Your questions answered

Fearless Mindset Method Program - FAQs

The Fearless Mindset Method is designed for young entrepreneurs eager to overcome fears and take massive action to achieve great results in their business ventures. Whether you are just starting out or looking to scale your existing business, this program will provide you with the tools and mindset needed to succeed.

Our goal is to provide not just theoretical knowledge but real-world, end-to-end transformations. Here are some examples of what past participants have developed in less than 30 days:

  • A fearless mindset
  • Practical product management skills
  • Effective time management
  • Networking and collaboration techniques
  • Real-world product development experience

I lead this program end-to-end along with Dr. Nick Hall, and we are deeply committed to the success of every participant. We run our weekly meetings and host weekly office hours for 1:1 coaching. We also encourage participants to develop resilience by setting milestones, defining success, and seeking peer feedback.

The program is designed to be flexible to fit into your busy schedule with an on-demand learning component that goes alongside our live sessions with our calls recorded for those that couldn’t make it. Additionally, you will receive templates, workbooks, and scripts related to each week’s subject matter.

What do you consider a result? Every interaction we have is a result because both you and I are changing throughout this process. The fact that you’re here, having taken the effort to reach this point, is already a result. Each person’s outcome is unique, but the result is guaranteed—you will be better equipped and more capable after this training.

The Fearless Mindset Method is unique because it addresses both the psychological and practical aspects of entrepreneurship. We use cutting-edge psychological techniques alongside hands-on business strategies to help you overcome fears and take action. This holistic approach sets us apart from other programs that might focus on just one aspect of entrepreneurship.

Yes, we offer flexible payment plans to accommodate different financial situations. Please refer here more details.

Moving forward in life requires understanding your needs, which comes from taking action. Even if you find that this program isn’t for you, you’ll gain valuable life experience that will help you make better decisions in the future. The goal is to help you figure out what is right for you, and even a negative result is a learning experience.

Absolutely. Almost all our clients have had previous training experiences. Your past experiences have brought you here because you recognize the unique value we offer. You are ready to take the next step and elevate your skills with our advanced training.

Dr. Nick Hall and I lead this program, and we’re fully committed to your success. We run weekly meetings and office hours for 1:1 coaching. While we encourage self-reliance and resilience, we also provide extensive support through peer interactions and feedback sessions.

Certainly. If you’ve been an entrepreneur before and are looking to transition back, this program is designed to help you. Your previous experiences give you a broader perspective, and the Fearless Mindset Method will support your return to entrepreneurship.

If you have any more questions, feel free to reach out. Ready to take the next step? Join us and discover the power of the Fearless Mindset Method.