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How it all began

Naftali's Influence

Heart & Soul

The heart and soul of COE are deeply rooted in the memory of Naftali, my beloved older brother. Growing up, Naftali was my source of inspiration for growth and development. His sudden loss was a turning point in my life, forcing me to confront my own limitations and fears.


By channeling the lessons and love I received from Naftali, I have focused on creating a space where others can also break through their limitations and achieve their full potential.

My Guardian Angel

It was only through this painful experience that I realized how his influence continued to guide me, even after he was gone. Naftali remains my guardian angel, and his spirit lives on through COE.

Beyond Business

COE is not just an incubator; it is a living testament to the enduring impact of human connection and support.

“Naftali was not only my brother but also my guardian angel. He sacrificed so much of himself to ensure my betterment and education. His selflessness and unwavering support ignited a passion within me to pay it forward.”
Izzy Kiver
President, COE

Impact Goals

At COE, we are dedicated to making a tangible impact on the lives of our founders.

Overcoming Emotional Blockers

Helping founders defeat fear, negative thought patterns, and procrastination.

Creating Flow and Routine

Ensuring founders develop a consistent and productive daily routine.

Advanced Support

For those who have achieved initial success, we offer guidance in funding, strategy, team training, and growth partnerships.


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