To our vision


Welcome to Covenant of Education. We are a religious non-profit organization dedicated to bringing harmony to humanity through greater access to quality education. Our vision is to create a self transformation platform that provides expert-led training in unity, personal development, and empathy.

Collaboration with reknown authors

At Covenant of Education, we strive to collaborate with renowned authors and experts like Daniel Goleman and Donald Kirkpatrick who are actively working towards helping people develop empathy, emotional intelligence, and enhanced education globally. By enabling and empowering talented individuals who come to us to learn and be inspired, we aim to make a positive impact on the lives of all people that will benefit as a result.

Covenant of Education

The vision

Spiritual healing centers worldwide

We envision establishing spiritual healing centers worldwide that offer cognitive and emotional healing. Our summits will be held in various locations across North America, Latin America, Central Asia, and Europe, strategically chosen based on the presence of major hubs and multinational technology companies.

Our organization

As an organization, we aspire to be recognized as a religious institution that not only believes in unity among races and religions but takes action to promote it. We are dedicated to embracing the teachings and lessons of every faith, uniting them under a single rule: treat others as we wish to be treated ourselves.

Extending our vision

Our vision extends beyond our physical presence. We aim to share our message through various mediums, including radio broadcasts, podcasts, and positive international news outlets and multimedia. We encourage individuals to write, study, analyze, and learn about our movement, making us a topic of discussion and study.


Our ultimate vision transcends the limited nature of us as individuals. Only as a collective we can succeed.

a vision beyond

To provide a holistic approach to spirituality

Our vision is to provide a truly holistic approach to spirituality, wellness, and mental fortitude. Our aim is to inspire individuals to create their desired reality and pursue their vision for the benefit of humanity and the help of others. We provide a holistic approach to spirituality, wellness, and mental fortitude, preparing individuals for the challenges that life inevitably presents us with.

A movement for all movements

Covenant of Education is not just another movement; it is the movement of all movements. It encompasses the essence of the divine, manifested through divine teachings and inspiration. We believe in allowing God to act through us, inspiring our thoughts and actions, in effect drawing people towards our message.

A vision beyond space and time

We are not here to think small; our vision surpasses what is possible to achieve within a single generation and cannot be confined to a single web page. We aim to create a movement that speaks for itself, requiring collective brainpower, effort, and unwavering determination to succeed. As the founder, I am committed to being involved in this organization and its ever-growing reality for as long as I live.

“We are
dedicated to
nurturing the whole person
– mind, body, and spirit.”


At the Covenant of Education, we are driven by a deep understanding of the profound impact education can have on individuals and society as a whole. We firmly believe that education is the key to unlocking human potential and creating a more compassionate and empathetic world. Through our programs and initiatives, we aim to provide access to quality education for all, regardless of their background or circumstances.

Our approach

Our approach is rooted in the belief that education is not just about acquiring knowledge but also about personal growth and transformation. We strive to create an environment that fosters critical thinking, creativity, and a love for lifelong learning. Our curriculum is designed to empower individuals with the skills and knowledge they need to navigate the complexities of the modern world while staying true to their values and beliefs.

Nurturing the whole human

We are dedicated to nurturing the whole human – mind, body, and spirit. Our holistic approach to education ensures that individuals not only excel academically but also develop emotional intelligence, resilience, and a sense of purpose. We firmly believe that by nurturing the inner self, we can create individuals who are not only successful in their chosen paths but also compassionate global citizens who actively contribute to making the world a better place.

Offer support

If you feel inspired by our message and would like to become part of this movement show your support by donating to our vision.

Become a member

If you feel inspired by our message and would like to become part of this movement or volunteer click Join to create a better future for humanity.

Take action

We'd love your support in pursuit of unlocking the collective potential, we acknowledge the significance of this undertaking and the need for a collective effort in terms of funding and volunteering which you can do by choosing one of the options above.

We trust in the universe's desire to self-heal and repair, and we believe that it will reciprocate by providing both the people and the funding necessary to make our transcendent vision a reality. To get in touch for further information you can fill out the form below.

Find us Here

Every Friday 1:30 PM EST
Google Meet link and info

Get In touch

Google Number-200-5078
[email protected]

Training Hours

Mon- Fri: 9am- 8pm
Saturday: 10am-4pm

Take the first step, we
will take care of the rest